Indigenous People Block BR-163 in Pará and Prevent the Transit of Trucks with Grains

Kayapós affirm that the road brought disease to their villages and also seek compensation

Approximately one hundred kayapó people who live in indigenous lands in southwestern Pará on this Monday (17) paralyzed the BR-163, an important route for the flow of grains from the Midwest, causing congestion.

Dressed for war, the indigenous people requested the renewal of the Basic Environmental Plan, asked for more health care due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and take a stand against the construction of the Ferrogrão railway without their input, as the project will construct tracks near their lands.

The blockade, which started around 7 am, occurred at km 302 of BR-163, in Novo Progresso (PA), said the head of the 5th police station of the Federal Highway Police of Santarém, Sidmar de Oliveira, responsible for crisis office installed to follow the case.

The highway connects important soy and corn-producing regions of Mato Grosso to the river port of Miritituba, in Itaituba (PA), where barges take grain to the Amazon River ports to be exported.

According to Oliveira, the indigenous people also requested the governor of Pará, Helder Barbalho, or a representative, to negotiate better conditions for aid against the coronavirus’s spread.


Justiça determina expulsão de Kayapó que protestam na BR-163 por saúde e proteção territorial

Indígenas afirmam que vão resistir; eles exigem ações contra a Covid-19, o desmatamento e o garimpo ilegal, além de consulta para projeto da Ferrogrão e renovação da PBA da rodovia

Menos de 12 horas após um grupo de cerca de 100 Kayapó Mekragnoti bloquear a BR-163, nesta segunda-feira (17/08) na entrada de Novo Progresso (PA), a Justiça concedeu uma liminar para reintegração de posse. Os indígenas reivindicam seu direito à saúde e à proteção territorial.

No despacho, a juíza Sandra Maria Correia da Silva, da Justiça Federal em Itaituba, determinou que a Polícia Rodoviária Federal realize a desintrusão em 24 horas e acionou a Polícia Federal para auxiliar na reintegração de posse em até 48 horas. A ação está prevista para a manhã desta terça-feira (18). [Saiba mais]


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